VIK 2021 - 750 ml

VIK 2021 - 750 ml


VIK 2020 - 750 ml

VIK 2020 - 750 ml


VIK Magnum 2019 - 1500 ml

VIK Magnum 2019 - 1500 ml


VIK Magnum 2020 - 1500 ml

VIK Magnum 2020 - 1500 ml


VIK - Icon

Immerse yourself in the elegance and complexity of VIK, a wine that captivates with its intensity and freshness. This exceptional blend evokes reminiscences of the great wines of Bordeaux, France, and stands out for its enveloping character and extraordinary capacity for evolution and aging. A jewel for collectors of high quality wines.